Länderdaten > Bevölkerungsdaten > Gesundheitswesen > Zugang zu Sanitäranlagen
Zugang zu Sanitäranlagen
An improved sanitation facility is defined as
one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact.
World Factbook
Sanitation Facility Access; abgefragt 15.
April 2013
This entry provides information about
access to improved or unimproved
sanitation facilities available to segments of the population of a
improved sanitation - use of any of the following
facilities: flush or pour-flush to a piped sewer system, septic tank or
pit latrine; ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine; pit latrine with
slab; or a composting toilet.
unimproved sanitation - use of any of the following
facilities: flush or pour-flush not piped to a sewer system, septic tank
or pit latrine; pit latrine without a slab or open pit; bucket; hanging
toilet or hanging latrine; shared facilities of any type; no facilities;
or bush or field.