KOF Globalization Index - 2010.
This article includes a list
of countries of the world sorted by their globalization,
the global connectivity, integration and interdependence
in the economic, social, technological, cultural,
political, and ecological spheres.
Land | | Rang | Wert |
 | Belgien | 1 | 92,95 |
 | Österreich | 2 | 92,51 |
 | Niederlande | 3 | 91,90 |
 | Schweiz | 4 | 90,55 |
 | Schweden | 5 | 89,75 |
 | Dänemark | 6 | 89,68 |
 | Kanada | 7 | 88,24 |
 | Portugal | 8 | 87,54 |
 | Finnland | 9 | 87,31 |
 | Ungarn | 10 | 87,00 |
 | Irland | 11 | 86,92 |
 | Tschechische Republik | 12 | 86,87 |
 | Frankreich | 13 | 86,18 |
 | Luxemburg | 14 | 85,84 |
 | Spanien | 15 | 85,71 |
 | Slowakei | 16 | 85,07 |
 | Singapur | 17 | 84,58 |
 | Deutschland | 18 | 84,16 |
 | Australien | 19 | 83,82 |
 | Norwegen | 20 | 83,53 |
 | Zypern | 21 | 82,45 |
 | Italien | 22 | 82,26 |
 | Polen | 23 | 81,26 |
 | Großbritannien | 24 | 80,18 |
 | Neuseeland | 25 | 79,56 |
 | Estland | 26 | 79,49 |
 | Vereinigte Staaten | 27 | 78,80 |
 | Slowenien | 28 | 78,78 |
 | Kroatien | 29 | 76,85 |
 | Malta | 30 | 76,42 |
 | Griechenland | 31 | 75,83 |
 | Bulgarien | 32 | 75,41 |
 | Litauen | 33 | 74,73 |
 | Chile | 34 | 73,74 |
 | Malaysia | 35 | 73,69 |
 | Jordanien | 36 | 71,74 |
 | Lettland | 37 | 71,61 |
 | Israel | 38 | 71,58 |
 | Rumänien | 39 | 71,51 |
 | Island | 40 | 70,66 |
 | Bahrain | 41 | 69,37 |
 | Russische Föderation | 42 | 68,91 |
 | Katar | 43 | 68,87 |
 | Mauritius | 44 | 68,29 |
 | Japan | 45 | 68,16 |
 | Ukraine | 46 | 68,15 |
 | Kuwait | 47 | 67,79 |
 | Panama | 48 | 67,66 |
 | Costa Rica | 49 | 66,51 |
 | El Salvador | 50 | 66,26 |
 | Serbien | 51 | 65,97 |
 | Libanon | 52 | 65,86 |
 | Uruguay | 53 | 65,62 |
 | Südafrika | 54 | 65,60 |
 | Jamaika | 55 | 64,92 |
 | Türkei | 56 | 64,91 |
 | Korea, Republik | 57 | 64,73 |
 | Bosnien und Herzegowina | 58 | 64,68 |
 | Thailand | 59 | 64,13 |
 | Moldau | 60 | 63,98 |
 | Peru | 61 | 63,37 |
 | Honduras | 62 | 62,74 |
 | China | 63 | 62,68 |
 | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | 64 | 62,43 |
 | Nordmazedonien | 65 | 62,18 |
 | Tunesien | 66 | 62,13 |
 | Dominikanische Republik | 67 | 61,44 |
 | Ägypten | 68 | 61,33 |
 | Georgien | 69 | 61,29 |
 | Argentinien | 70 | 61,18 |
 | Mexiko | 71 | 60,92 |
 | Marokko | 72 | 60,85 |
 | Kasachstan | 73 | 60,84 |
 | Saudi-Arabien | 74 | 60,64 |
 | Brasilien | 75 | 60,38 |
 | Oman | 76 | 60,28 |
 | Guatemala | 77 | 59,94 |
 | Kolumbien | 78 | 59,93 |
 | Guyana | 79 | 59,74 |
 | Grenada | 80 | 59,33 |
 | Fidschi | 81 | 59,26 |
 | Kirgisistan | 82 | 58,97 |
 | Trinidad und Tobago | 83 | 58,63 |
 | Philippinen | 84 | 58,58 |
 | Samoa | 85 | 58,32 |
 | Indonesien | 86 | 57,80 |
 | Barbados | 87 | 57,09 |
 | Paraguay | 88 | 57,00 |
 | Ecuador | 89 | 56,91 |
 | Namibia | 90 | 56,84 |
 | Nicaragua | 91 | 56,66 |
 | Sambia | 92 | 56,29 |
 | Nigeria | 93 | 55,88 |
 | Albanien | 94 | 55,64 |
 | Aserbaidschan | 95 | 55,18 |
 | Armenien | 96 | 54,99 |
 | Antigua und Barbuda | 97 | 54,64 |
 | Ghana | 98 | 54,38 |
 | Venezuela | 99 | 53,82 |
 | Bolivien | 100 | 53,46 |
 | Brunei Darussalam | 101 | 53,35 |
 | Gabun | 102 | 53,27 |
 | Belize | 103 | 52,70 |
 | Pakistan | 104 | 52,69 |
 | Sri Lanka | 105 | 52,53 |
 | Botsuana | 106 | 52,26 |
 | Bahamas | 107 | 51,94 |
 | Mongolei | 108 | 51,92 |
 | Belarus | 109 | 51,88 |
| Côte d´Ivoire | 110 | 51,41 |
 | Indien | 111 | 51,26 |
 | Kuba | 112 | 51,23 |
 | Seychellen | 113 | 50,35 |
 | Senegal | 114 | 49,95 |
 | Mosambik | 115 | 49,90 |
 | Kambodscha | 116 | 49,08 |
 | Suriname | 117 | 48,98 |
 | Gambia | 118 | 48,43 |
 | Kenia | 119 | 48,24 |
 | Algerien | 120 | 48,20 |
 | Vanuatu | 121 | 48,00 |
 | Syrien | 122 | 47,93 |
 | Togo | 123 | 47,89 |
 | Vietnam | 124 | 47,78 |
 | St. Lucia | 125 | 47,45 |
 | Eswatini | 126 | 47,32 |
 | Simbabwe | 127 | 47,31 |
 | Libyen | 128 | 47,01 |
 | Dschibuti | 129 | 46,90 |
 | St. Vincent und die Grenadinen | 130 | 46,89 |
 | Papua-Neuguinea | 131 | 46,08 |
 | Mali | 132 | 45,96 |
 | Aruba | 133 | 45,90 |
 | Jemen | 134 | 45,80 |
 | Dominica | 135 | 45,80 |
 | Neukaledonien | 136 | 45,46 |
 | Französisch-Polynesien | 137 | 45,28 |
 | Uganda | 138 | 44,91 |
 | St. Kitts und Nevis | 139 | 44,68 |
 | Malawi | 140 | 43,91 |
 | Angola | 141 | 43,40 |
 | Macau | 142 | 43,05 |
 | Kamerun | 143 | 42,82 |
 | Burkina Faso | 144 | 42,62 |
 | Malediven | 145 | 42,32 |
 | Mauretanien | 146 | 42,25 |
 | Benin | 147 | 42,16 |
 | Lesotho | 148 | 41,57 |
 | Tschad | 149 | 40,71 |
 | Guinea | 150 | 40,48 |
 | Madagaskar | 151 | 40,34 |
 | Usbekistan | 152 | 40,27 |
 | Bangladesch | 153 | 39,74 |
| Kap Verde | 154 | 39,60 |
 | Sierra Leone | 155 | 39,38 |
 | Turkmenistan | 156 | 38,67 |
 | Äthiopien | 157 | 38,66 |
 | Kongo | 158 | 38,61 |
 | Ruanda | 159 | 37,79 |
 | Tansania | 160 | 37,39 |
 | Nepal | 161 | 37,22 |
 | Iran | 162 | 36,92 |
 | Guinea-Bissau | 163 | 36,45 |
 | Haiti | 164 | 35,90 |
 | Niger | 165 | 34,82 |
 | Sudan | 166 | 34,77 |
 | Tadschikistan | 167 | 34,50 |
 | Kongo, Demokratische Republik | 168 | 34,39 |
 | Burundi | 169 | 34,35 |
 | Zentralafrikanische Republik | 170 | 33,26 |
 | Niederländische Antillen | 171 | 33,04 |
 | São Tomé und Príncipe | 172 | 32,52 |
 | Tonga | 173 | 31,65 |
 | Komoren | 174 | 30,67 |
 | Bhutan | 175 | 29,31 |
 | Eritrea | 176 | 28,93 |
 | Laos | 177 | 28,12 |
 | Äquatorialguinea | 178 | 26,85 |
 | Salomonen | 179 | 26,35 |
 | Kiribati | 180 | 25,45 |
 | Myanmar | 181 | 20,69 |
Es gibt verschiedene
grundlegende statistische Daten, die als
Indikatoren der wirtschaftlichen
Globalisierung aufgefasst werden können:
Wachstum des
Wachstum der ausländischen
Zunahme globaler
Zunahme der Global Player (Transnationale
Globalisierung der
globaler Ressourcen (als eine
der Ursachen des globalen Handels)
Economic globalization
can be measured in different ways. These center around
the four main economic flows that characterize
Goods and services, e.g.,
exports plus imports as a proportion of national
income or per capita of population
Labor/people, e.g., net
migration rates; inward or outward migration flows,
weighted by population
Capital, e.g., inward or outward direct
investment as a proportion of national income or per
head of population
Technology, e.g., international research &
development flows; proportion of populations (and
rates of change thereof) using particular inventions
(especially 'factor-neutral' technological advances
such as the telephone, motorcar, broadband)
Es gibt verschiedene Versuche,
den Grad der Globalisierung zu messen, z. B.:
- Multidimensionaler Globalisierungsindex der
Universität Bamberg bzw. des TransEurope-Forschungsnetzwerks
As globalization is not only
an economic phenomenon, a multivariate approach to
measuring globalization is the recent
index calculated by the
Swiss think tank KOF. The index measures the
three main dimensions of globalization: economic,
social, and political. In addition to three indices
measuring these dimensions, an overall index of
globalization and sub-indices referring to actual
economic flows, economic restrictions, data on
personal contact, data on information flows, and
data on cultural proximity is calculated.
A.T. Kearney
Foreign Policy Magazine jointly publish the
Globalization Index. According to the 2006
index, Singapore, Ireland, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, Canada and Denmark are the most
globalized, while Indonesia, India and Iran are the
least globalized among countries listed.