Länderdaten > Länderrankings > Länder-Indizes > Global Terrorism Index

Global Terrorism Index
The Global Terrorism Index
(GTI) is an attempt to systematically rank the
nations of the world according to
terrorist activity. The index combines a number of
factors associated with terrorist attacks to build an
explicit picture of the impact of terrorism over a
10-year period, illustrating trends, and providing a
data series for analysis by researchers and
policymakers. It is the product of
Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) and is based
on data from the
Global Terrorism Database (GTD) which is collected
and collated by the
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and
Responses to Terrorism (START) at the
University of Maryland. The GTD has codified over
125,000 cases of terrorism.
The 2014 Global Terrorism Index is the second
edition of the index following a 2012 edition. An interactive map highlights
changes to the level of terrorism and the Global Terrorism Index.
Am 16. November 2015 wurde der Global Terrorism
Index 2015 vorgestellt.
Index mit interaktiver Grafik